Wednesday, December 29, 2010


dear b,

u knw wht,last nite i dpt email from utp..dorg offer i study kat sana.. :) happy la sangat..cuma skrg ni nk cari penaja je lg..
alhamdulillah..xsangka dpt..tht day apply pn suka2 jak..ya la rezeki dr ALLAH s.w.t ni la kta tau nak.. doa2 la i dpt teruskn pjuang wpn blanja ny mhal..

pa2 hal i let u knw soon...


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

- tHe LaSt SoNg -

morning n salam r u today??do u miss me?i miss u n u must miss me! ;) hihihi

u nak tau x,malam tadi i tengok cta "THE LAST SONG"..its bout love.. cta yang sgt sweet and soooo sadness...xpnah i tgk mov sampai meleleh air mata...yg sedih ny part daddy ny mninggal....touching doe.... :'( memberi kesedaran tentang penting nya family..klu nak tau kena la tengok..lain orang lain la pendapat ny..n for me tis movie is awesome n touching..

"Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes it makes you love them more."

" A story about FAMILY, First LOVES, Second CHANCES, and The Moments in LIFE that lead you back HOME. "


p/s: kim~ We're not perfect. Any of us. We make mistakes, we screw up but then we forgive and 
move forward.
steve~ Love is fragile. And we're not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And hope this fragile thing survives against all odds.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

hurmmm...apa mok update oe??yg ku tau sehari suntuk tok kja aq on9 jak2...smpi boring dh ..klu laptop ku tok pdi bkata2 msti ny ckp "boring dh ku tgk muka ko ya eyhhh dr pagi smpi ke petang".,. 8am-5pm...hishhhh3...
xda kja bosan plak..bla dh ada kerja lak xmenang tangan oleh ny..erkkk??aq pnh mention x psal tok??hihi 

btw, aq ada order spasang bj kurung tok..harga no bad..blh la..xsbr nak tggu baju ya sampai..
+tok bj ya..+ ^_^

hope bj ya smpi scepat yg blh..hihi terlebih excited la plak..
